Firebolt vape cotton pre-loaded 21 pcs Ireland
Made entirely of 100% organic Japanese cotton and is free of harmful chemicals, Vapefly presents the Firebolt Cotton is a natural cotton solution for easily wicking 2.5mm, 3mm and 3.5mm pre-built coils. The convenient agleted section is manufactured without acetone or glue. Vapefly Firebolt Cotton is ideal for rebuildable dripping atomizers (RDA), rebuildable tank atomizers (RTA), rebuildable tank atomizers (RDTA).
Main Features:
100% Organic Japanese Cotton
70mm Usable Cotton
Ready-To-Use Aglet Per Strip
Proper Cotton Amount To Fit 3mm ID Coil
Great Absorption Capability
2 strands of cotton wool
Package Contents:
20 watt sticks